Hi Marc,
> One test got line segmentation with a model. It's a quick sketch though and maybe the edges are grazing.
Yeah it's fairly easy for that to happen when you've got 2 different solids that are kind of hanging out right on top of one another. If you get things like that booleaned together into one single object it should usually help to avoid it. There is some extra stuff in the hidden line removal processing that helps to avoid an edge getting submerged inside of surfaces that it's a direct part of - when you've got 2 separate objects just sitting next to each other that extra anti-stippling won't get engaged.
So for your particular case here, select these 3 objects up here:
Then do a Boolean union to get those combined together into one single solid. At this point MoI's viewport display may actually look slightly worse with some bleed through that wasn't happening before. But the hidden line export handles bleed through a lot better than the video card display does, and your actual PDF/AI export should not have bleed through and the stippling that you saw before should also be gone:
> One detail that might be nice: auto detection of a fullscreen viewport for the projection view dropdown menu.
Maybe I can add in a choice of "Active" in that Projection view dropdown that would then use the active viewport. The active viewport is the maximized one if there is a maximized view currently, otherwise in a split view it's the one your mouse is currently over or the last clicked one if your mouse is not currently over one.
It would be cool to see some nice test results too, not just bad ones! (bad ones are good for me to see too though of course) :)
- Michael