Hi Michael,
I think what you're seeing there is if 2 objects are just sticking partially through each other, they just end up hiding pieces of one another and no separate curve for the intersection between the parts is generated. Basically the hidden line removal engine will only generate silhouettes as new things to display, not intersection curves. That's mostly because it can be highly time consuming to try and generate intersections between everything. So usually to get a totally clean output you need objects not to just stick through each other but to be booleaned together so they have edge geometry where they run into each other. You can also use Construct > Curve > Isect to generate intersection curves before doing the output as well.
thanks for the (as always) helpful and spot on reply. Yes it is as you say: two seperate objects close together. I can't boolean add them because they are different materials therefore I tried your Isect suggestion. As you can see in the attached PDF Isect does the trick very well.
One question though, when I export the model for use in Cinema4D how should I deal with all the Isect lines. They're not required and shouldn't get exported. Or don't they get exported because they are no 3D objects? You see I'm missing some basic understanding of these things. It's the same with all those control curves which I always delete after an operation because I'm afraid that they make a model too complex.