Hidden line removal progress

 From:  Michael Gibson
6201.196 In reply to 6201.194 
Hi Martin,

> this looks perfect, orderly and by no means overloaded or too complex to me.

Great! At first I was trying to put it all on one single dialog and that was getting pretty overloaded. I also experimented some with having a different individual dialog for doing the line type (width / color / layer) of each category but it kind of seemed nice to have that all on one place so it was easier to see them all at once.

> I suppose choices are sticky so one has to set this only once to his/her personal needs.

Yeah I want to save everything you see there in moi.ini so any changes you make here will persist between sessions.

> There's a typo in the export window: silhouettes should have one more T.

Thanks for catching this!

> What unit are the line widths (0.1, 3, 0.4 ..) in the export option window?

In "points" units.

Thanks, - Michael