Hidden line removal progress

 From:  Michael Gibson
6201.163 In reply to 6201.162 
Hi Carlos,

> Will you keep this option on final release, or you drop it? In some cases this can be
> quite usefull. If it means no extra work i suggest you keep.

I am still planning on having that (optional dashed hidden lines), in fact it's what I've been working on just today. I've attached a sample PDF, it looks like this:

This one has different layers in the PDF for: Outlines, Background image, Hidden lines, visible lines on their original style, and silhouettes. I think those will be the various kinds of things that can be generated. Next up I'll be planning the UI to control things.

> Another question, will you consider making a 3D PDF export, or it is a monster task? Maybe for v4 : ))

Right now I don't have any plans for a 3D PDF export, it's an entirely different thing from 2D PDF and I don't really know a lot of details about it. I think some kind of library is needed to make them and it's kind of a messy situation because Adobe decided to basically get rid of their own library for 3D PDF support and sold it off to some separate company or something like that, it's a bit confusing what's going on with it.

At any rate, it doesn't really have anything to do with the regular 2D PDF work that I'm doing now.

- Michael