Hidden line removal progress

 From:  Michael Gibson
6201.155 In reply to 6201.150 
Hi ed,

> <....>
> Furthermore if I want to change some lines styles of a make 2d output

Right now this kind of thing with changing line styles for individual objects won't really work in MoI since MoI doesn't have settable line styles yet for the regular modeling area.

But that does help me understand what you'd want that for - you kind of rough out the shape in 3D and then convert that to a 2D drawing and then continue working on your drawing just as if you were in a 2D CAD program doing 2D drawing only after that, is that basically correct?

If you wanted to do that in MoI you could just save out to any of .ai /.pdf /.dxf format and then just open that file back into MoI and then do 2D drawing on top of it.

- Michael