Hidden line removal progress

 From:  Michael Gibson
6201.154 In reply to 6201.148 
Hi Brian,

> Is there, or would it be beneficial, to have an on screen "print preview" of how the pdf would look in
> a printed version? Laserjet? Inkjet?

It would definitely be nice to have that, but I have to balance that against how much development time it would take and also how much actual real life usefulness that it would provide.

Also for things like line weights for printing you really can't entirely judge 100% what the print will look like from the on screen display, I think you have to actually make some printouts to really see it.

So I thinking that probably an on screen preview of the hidden lines probably won't happen for this release.

> Or is the target another software program?

Yeah, pretty much - if you just want to do a print then the other program can be the Adobe Reader PDF viewer program. If you want to adjust things then the other program would be a 2D illustration program like Adobe Illustrator / Corel Draw / Xara / Inkscape / etc...

- Michael