Hidden line removal progress

 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
6201.107 In reply to 6201.103 
>Nope, for each surface it generates a new render mesh on the fly, and that mesh gets refined until the screen space projection of it deviates no more than >1/4 of a pixel on the render screen.
>So it should always look really smooth regardless of what your display Mesh Angle is set to.

So Michael, this begs an unrelated but burning question for a future request :::

For normal UI Viewport manipulation, would it be someday possible for MoI to wait until the mouse/rotations/etc is idle, then spend a little idle CPU time to render a beautiful, ultra-smooth, virtually anti-aliased UI image that would replace the active card-based image (hopefully near-seamlessly).

I mean, moving around would be the same fluid speed as usual, but wait, don't move.... ahhh. surely the best Viewport image of any 3D modeler on the planet!


Just a thought.