Cone and Conical Frustum Unwrap

 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
6175.24 In reply to 6175.23 
I knew Philippe Stark did a new pasta shape but,like his colleague Giugiaro,without success...
people here buy classic ones:

"spaghetti's family"

"short pasta"

all these,most common are:Spaghetti-Rigatoni-Fusilli-Farfalle
they join well with four classic sauces:
Burro & Salvia (melted butter and sage leaves cooked together)
Pesto (Basel leaves+garlic+Parmigiano cheese+extra-virgin olive oil+pine nuts,all fresh,smashed together)
Ragu' known outside as Bolognese (ground meat and tomato sauce cooked together)
Carbonara (fresh eggs+little bacon cubes+pepper quickly cooked together)


My apologizes to Brian and Burr for this "gourmand" off-topic :)