Script for Epitrochoid, Slider flicker

 From:  Michael Gibson
6158.6 In reply to 6158.4 
Hi Brian, also if it helps you simplify things a bit more it's even possible to put all the event loop logic into the .htm file as well and have the .js file contain only one single function call into the .htm code. That should then eliminate any need at all for passing your own data back and forth between processes, you can just have all data contained only in the .htm file side of things.

I've attached here a version that does that so you can see how that would be set up.

You can't make the .js file completely empty, since it's built in to the command system that the .js file is the entry point for the command, and when the .js file's script finishes executing that's the signal that the command has ended. But you can have just a single line in that .js file and have the .htm file script do really all of the work.

- Michael