Help with export to ViaCAD 2D3D for construction drawings

 From:  Michael Gibson
6123.4 In reply to 6123.3 
Hi Larry, so what's probably happening for the circles is that there are a variety of entity types that can be stored in an SAT file, and MoI ends up writing circles as a generic spline entity type.

Meanwhile it appears that ViaCAD will only apply radial dimensions on to circle or arc entity types, and it does not do any automatic conversion to check if any spline curves actually have the shape of an exact circle and convert them to more specialized circle entities if they do.

However, there is a tool in ViaCAD that will convert general spline geometry into more specialized entities, in the Windows version it's on the menu under Edit > Simplify object.

So if you have some circle curves that will not dimension in ViaCAD, try selecting them and run Edit > Simplify object and then they will probably dimension ok after that.

It would be nice if geometry would be automatically simplified just at import time, maybe that's something that you could suggest to the ViaCAD developers to implement.

There is also a setting in MoI that you can edit under the moi.ini file, go to Options > General and push the "Edit .ini file" button, then inside the .ini file set:

[NURBS Export]

Then for some file formats (I think maybe IGES and STEP) it will try to create more specialized analytic circle, arc, or line entities rather than general spline entities at export time out from MoI but unfortunately I don't think that is implemented for the SAT part of the file import/export library that is being used.

- Michael