Help with export to ViaCAD 2D3D for construction drawings

 From:  Michael Gibson
6123.12 In reply to 6123.7 
Hi Burr, also re:

> In MoI, do a drill down selection to an edge object, then Ctrl+A and Ctrl+C. Hide your objects and Ctrl+V the
> curves in, then export those to viacad with iges. Dim away....

The 2D export file formats (AI, PDF, and DXF format currently) will automatically write out edges without needing to do any manual duplication of them, just do a "Save As" or "Export" of the solids directly and the edges of the object are what get written out.

Just be aware that you'll get a lot of stacked up duplicated 2D curves, because for example both the top and bottom parts of an extrusion both get written out, it only does a simple wireframe export and not a hidden-line removal one at least not quite yet...

- Michael