Hi Bravlin, yes a hack that will work right now would be to make copies of the 2 files ArrayDir.js and ArrayDir.htm which are in the commands subfolder. Name the copies something like ArrayDir2.js and ArrayDir2.htm and that will then make a command named ArrayDir2 available.
Inside ArrayDir2.htm find line 33 which makes the mode dropdown, it currently looks like this:
<moi:Select id="Mode">
<moi:Option value="Offset, Count" textid="ArrayDir mode Offset, Count" />
<moi:Option value="Extent, Count" textid="ArrayDir mode Extent, Count" />
<moi:Option value="Offset, Extent" textid="ArrayDir mode Offset, Extent" />
That will default to the first one in the list, but you can add a default="" attribute to control the initial default, so you want it to look like this:
<moi:Select id="Mode" default="Extent, Count">
<moi:Option value="Offset, Count" textid="ArrayDir mode Offset, Count" />
<moi:Option value="Extent, Count" textid="ArrayDir mode Extent, Count" />
<moi:Option value="Offset, Extent" textid="ArrayDir mode Offset, Extent" />
- Michael