The script for chain

 From:  bemfarmer
Hi Michael

I am having trouble removing three things from the geometryDatabase, in order to prevent the creation of multiple copies of chains.

The first one is chainobj, which is an input to the FLOW factory.

The second one is baselineobj, whose first item is baseline, an input to the FLOW factory. (I haven't tried removing baseline from the geometryDatabase.)

The third one is flowedchainobj, which is the output of the chain factory.

My current theory is that asynchronous FLOW factory is interfering with the removal from the geometry Database.

For example the command: moi.geometryDatabase.removeObjects( chainobj ); placed before FLOW, does remove the arrayed chain from the screen.
However, placing it after FLOW does not appear to have any removal effect, and multiple chains can be created on top of each other by repeated updates.

FLOW commit does not seem to help.

Any Ideas?

- Brian

EDITED: 22 Aug 2013 by BEMFARMER