Death of SUB-D Artist)! Closed

 From:  BurrMan
6076.115 In reply to 6076.114 
"""""""""If the riggers will ask me to retopo model I'll back in 3D Coat not in MOI to change topology."""""""""

Yeah, but only if the model didnt change (and I was going to change it).....

And, I didnt have to do that. I fully changed the topology and my Sub-D output with a couple clciks. I can remove it and completly change the model and the booleans and retopo it in less than 10 seconds.... We didnt even get to address the "50 models" that were comming tomorrow..

You? Seems you are skirting this point. You see, the director and art director and riggers dont want to wait for you...

I got the job, because I used the right tool for the job.

""""When you will made something that I made we will talk"""""""""

There goes that ego maniacal holier than thou again. You still didnt answer whats so serious about your picture? I mean, you DO know it's not a real helicopter, dont you?