Surface unwrap

 From:  Michael Gibson
6067.5 In reply to 6067.4 
So for that attached example above if you wanted to make a plain second sphere wrapped around the first sphere, you would replace the kind of fence post pattern object with just a single plane, so that you would have 2 planes there off to the side stacked on top of each other. You would select one plane as the object to deform, then run Flow, select the other plane stacked underneath it as the base surface, and then the sphere as the target surface. That will then warp the plane onto the sphere making a new sphere. But of course the main reason for using Flow is to deform some other kind of flat pattern onto the sphere.

You can see from the example how the flat object is warped onto the sphere with vertical lines getting applied like lines of longitude and horizontal lines getting applied like lines of latitude.

For patterns like this it can be quite a bit easier to create the pattern all flat first and then warp it onto the sphere rather than trying to directly draw it in place on the sphere to start with.

- Michael