Surface unwrap

 From:  Michael Gibson
6067.22 In reply to 6067.17 
Hi Andrei,

> For example I want to warp this surface with hole around thise "cone" but can not get rounded hole.
> Is it possible to keep hole rounded? Like if I projected circle on this cone.

No, the circle will get deformed, that's part of how Flow works, the objects are mapped onto the target surface following the structure of the target surface.

Because a sphere or revolve like you have there pinches down to a smaller area as it approaches its top point (where it is squished down to a single point), your objects that are being flowed will also do the same thing as well and squish down in the same spots as the surface.

If you want to have something with a kind of round like top but that does not squish down you need to build a surface that does not squish down, instead something more like this:

Basically look at the control point structure of your target surface, if it has areas where control points come together or collapse down into a single point, that will produce a shrinking aspect to the deformation in those same areas.

- Michael