Hi All,
You guys will have some fun with this one... :-)
ZSurf will create a heightfield model from a bitmap in IGES format which can be imported into MoI
I found this article in Czech with some photos that you can reference.
I could easily see making lithophanes with this process or incorporating the heightfield model into an
existing model. The edge curves can extruded into a solid model.
There's more info on ZSURFon the Rhino NG
The organic looking model is from a factal image that I mirrored, but, if you pre-processed the
image in GIMP or PhotoShop, I imagine you could smooth out the seam.
Faststone image Image Viewer has a editing thing that will make sort of a bump map out of an existing image.
I didn't edit the BMP's I used for my experiment. You will have to convert some BMP's into 32 bit images in order for Zsurf to process them.
I just have one warning, don't try this during working hours or you'll never get anything done! :-)
