Importing Vertex Normals into Blender 2.67 for Proper Shading

 From:  Michael Gibson
6003.3 In reply to 6003.1 
Hi Zalamander, thanks for making this updated importer, that is great news that there is now a way to get vertex normals support in the current version of Blender!

Will this become a built in part of the OBJ importer in the next version? I hope so, it's a major improvement and it's kind of weird to have support for vertex normals in Blender for rendering but not in the importer...

In previous versions of Blender, any imported vertex normals were discarded and recalculated from scratch not only when going into edit mode but also when you did a rendering - it sounds like that has been fixed now so that the renderer will use existing normals instead of recalculating them, is that correct?

- Michael