Autodesk Fusion 360

 From:  Michael Gibson
5994.42 In reply to 5994.41 
Hi klaudio, can you please post the .dxf file so I can take a look and make sure it's ok?

That is weird how some curves seem to be going over but not others. Is it possible that some are on different z levels instead of z = 0 ?

Looking at it a bit more is it not reading curves made up of all line segments? MoI does export those as a POLYLINE entity instead of a SPLINE entity. Maybe it's not reading POLYLINE entities from the .dxf file although that seems like a strange thing to do.

One thing you could try would be to use Edit > Separate and then do the export - that will then make individual LINE entities which maybe it will like better.

Another thing is you can try turning off writing simple entities, that's in moi.ini under [DXF Export] UseSimpleEntities=y , if that is set which is the default, then MoI will write a curve as a LINE, CIRCLE, ARC, or POLYLINE entity when possible to do so rather than as a SPLINE entity.

- Michael