A quick (and dirty) Script Palette script

 From:  dinos
5993.26 In reply to 5993.24 
Hi Andrei,
The problem is caused by the double quotes around "Hidden" and "nf" in the script.

If you replace the double quotes with single quotes it should work fine:

script: /*! Show all except curves, points and Hidden style*/ var obj = moi.geometryDatabase.getObjects().getBReps(), st = moi.geometryDatabase.findstyle('Hidden',0), sti; if (st) {sti = st.index;} else { sti = 'nf';} for ( var o = 0; o < obj.length; ++o ) { if ( obj.item(o).hidden && obj.item(o).styleIndex !== sti) { obj.item(o).hidden = false; obj.item(o).selected = false; }};

This is a limitation of the way the script palette works.
