FIle mirrored

 From:  Michael Gibson
5992.2 In reply to 5992.1 
Hi Rudl,

> I have opened a .3dm file wih Turbocad. The complete file is mirrored on x/y workplane. What could it be?

I'm not entirely sure what you're showing there in the Turbocad screenshot - what are you selecting there with the mouse window, is it some kind of projection of the model?

Does Turbocad not like it if you have located the model on the underside of the x/y plane instead of above it?

Do you get different results if you use STEP or IGES formats instead?

If something looks odd in Turbocad as far as the display of the model goes, you may need to ask about it in a turbocad forum to get information on that. I don't really know from looking at your screenshot what is actually wrong there...

- Michael