Best export format for high detail

 From:  Michael Gibson
5964.9 In reply to 5964.8 
Hi Martin,

> smooth display but in Modo when rotating around the object certain areas showed signs of
> creasing, strangely enough though not in the area that i was expecting.

So do you mean in a fully rendered result or are you talking about creased appearance only in the real-time display.

Just in general real-time display mechanisms take various shortcuts in order to increase speed which can tend to give more artifacts particularly with long skinny triangles like this was meshed with. That's because usually a realtime display does "Gouraud shading", where the full shading is only calculated just at vertices and then the in-between stuff is only color interpolated between those. That's gives a cruder but faster result than what a full render does which is more like evaluating the shading at every single point instead of only at polygon corners.

So it's not particularly unusual for there to be some kinds of additional shading artifacts in a realtime display that won't necessarily be in the full render, I'm not completely certain but it seems like that's what you're talking about here.

But it can be kind of good in general to avoid especially long and skinny triangles though, and using the "Divide larger than" setting when generating this mesh would help to generate more evenly sized polygons instead of ones that are long and skinny in one direction. There's a demo on using "Divide larger than" here:

- Michael