Hi Rudy, Pilou showed one possibility, a couple of other ideas:
One easy way to get a similar type of shape is to draw a box, and then select the top 4 edges and then do Construct / Fillet. That will basically automatically put rounded edges there, ending up with this:
You give up some of the direct control over the rounded shape by doing this, since it is calculated for you, but that is definitely the quickest way to get that kind of a shape.
Probably the easiest way to make it conform more precisely to your sketch would be to create 2 extrusions and then combine them together into a single shape by doing a boolean operation.
Here I drew a line along the bottom, and then used Extrude with the "Both sides" option to create this piece first:
Then repeat that with your other curve:
The "Both sides" checkbox inside Extrude allows the curve to be used as the centerline for the extrusion which is useful in this case.
Then you take those 2 objects that are stacked on top of each other, select one of them and then run Construct / Boolean / Intersection, and then select the other one and push Done, that calculates a new volume that contains the portions that are common to both objects, this is the 2 objects and then the combined result:
Sometimes this is a good way to build up objects - try to build things in more simple pieces separately, and then combine them together into a single object using booleans.
But if you generally want to create some rounded corners easily, the box + fillet way is probably better.
- Michael