Majik Tutorial: Stacking School Chair

 From:  mcramblet
5893.25 In reply to 5893.15 

>Thank you for your really great compliment! That really brightened my day. :-)

I'm glad I could brighten your day a bit. It's the least I could do for your contributions to the forum and to users like me.

>Michael G. has done such a great job at developing MoI to be so bluntly simple to use and intuitive that I feel that anyone with a little training can >realize their hidden CAD talents.

That is so very true. I came from a mesh modeling background with no NURBS modeling at all. I started using MoI in Oct of 2012 and it's been great. Still much to learn, but MoI has made the transition from mesh to NURBS a pleasant one. I've been looking at other software to help us with a particular account that often requires organic shapes, but also has some ties with NURBS. Modo with some additional CAD plug-ins is one of them, but in every case when I start playing with the demos and start navigating around in the software interface, I realize how nice it is to work within MoI.

>I'm just a tee-shirt artist by day

I'd say you could have a career in CAD using MoI, if you wanted to.

> but don't you get to work with really cool packaging design?

I am involved with packaging design. Some times the projects are pretty cool, some times it's a little on the mundane side. Every job has it's ups and downs I suppose. The problem I have is that all of my time is consumed with "packaging design" and there isn't time to explore using MoI in other ways. Maybe some day I'll have the time to pursue making my own creations. Maybe my own version of zarkows' "Mighty Mechanical Death Crabs of Doom"? He's another MoI Jedi.

Thanks again for the tutorials!