Export flat planar surfaces as illustrator lines

 From:  Michael Gibson
5855.12 In reply to 5855.11 
Hi Fabien,

> but perhaps you might find PDF more approachable to add these features?

Unfortunately PDF is in general a massive increase in complexity (file structure wise) from the old AI format so everything is more difficult with it. I do want to implement a PDF export in addition to AI8 format export and I have some new PDF support stuff in place that should help me do that but I should probably try to get colors working in AI8 first before digging into the PDF export. Some things at a low level in PDF resemble AI format so getting it working in AI8 may also give me kind of a running start as far as figuring it out in PDF later on as well...

PDF import has already been significantly overhauled in MoI v3 a few releases ago to use a proper PDF parser so the import side for PDF is working much better now.

- Michael