Freeform modeling and screen mode manipulation

 From:  Michael Gibson
5843.6 In reply to 5843.1 
Hi Pior,

> Also if you need to see more test cases of this issue, I would be happy to provide other examples
> and comparison videos showing the desired behavior as seen in other 3D programs.

The big difference is that the other programs that you're talking about like 3DS Max and Maya follow a much different modeling strategy than MoI's NURBS based one - in those poly modeling programs the focus is much more on squishing 3D point cages around which is kind of similar to sculpting like you mention...

MoI's modeling strategy is more about drawing curves and then constructing big chunks of your model using those curves (as profiles for construction or as cutters), so the process of drawing is much more emphasized in MoI, it's overall more similar to something like "illustration" rather than "sculpting". So the toolset also emphasizes things that are also of use while drawing curves too, not just on after-drawing manipulation.

I hope that may help to explain why some things are set up a bit differently than what you're used to.

- Michael