Freeform modeling and screen mode manipulation

 From:  Michael Gibson
5843.14 In reply to 5843.12 
Hi Pior,

> Basically, every time you see the XYZ manipulator disappear to be replaced by a faint red L shape
> I am actually toggling to screen mode to make control points edits in a freeform way, all in
> perspective view.

How do you toggle the mode, is it by pushing some kind of shortcut key?

I could see adding something for doing that, but the reason why I haven't focused on it so far is I don't really like that kind of very hidden feature where basically someone would not be at all aware of it without doing some kind of special tutorials or training sessions or things like that. There are some things like that in MoI too but it's sort of a general philosophy to try and avoid it.

And again, really the focus for MoI is much more on 2D curve drawing which is so much easier for people to grasp more intuitively. The kind of 3D point tweaking and squishing and sculpting that you are showing in that video requires a lot more advanced type of spatial awareness for people to use successfully - it's something that's not really very approachable for people who are trying to learn how to do 3D modeling from scratch.

Also on top of that, the kind of topology that you create with that kind of sketching can then be difficult to fill in with NURBS - that kind of "construct the complete outline" method of drawing an object is more suited to polygon mesh modeling techniques rather than NURBS techniques - to use NURBS modeling effectively you usually do not want to be explicitly drawing all the 3D swooping outlines for everything directly - much of those outlines should be coming from intersections between different surfaces rather than being directly drawn. That's when the NURBS toolset is being used to its best advantage.

So that overall technique and workflow that you are showing there is much more suited to polygon modeling really, and polygon modeling is where you will get more of that kind of sculpting and squishing feel that fits with what you want there.

NURBS modeling just has a lot different focus than that - more on precision, applying cuts to objects, driving things primarily by 2D profile curves, .... so MoI being a NURBS focused modeling system is more focused on those kinds of things rather than being focused on things that would work only in a polygon modeling environment instead.

Hope that helps explain why what you are asking about has just not been a big focus area for MoI so far.

- Michael