Teaching MOI in High School?

 From:  shayno
5773.28 In reply to 5773.26 
:) see I told you it can be frustrating

Some of your flow surfaces are too short

you need to draw your ring, a flat one is easiest put the profile at the bottom and sweep so the ends are there

select an outside edge and use unwrapcurve this gives you the exact length of the surface you need to make, take that line and offset with cap ends ticked, the width of the band say 6mm

then use planar to create a surface and delete the edge, this is your flow surface that is the same surface area as the outside of the ring.

create your text onto the centre of the planar surface

to flow select the text , then select just under it on the surface, finally select the corresponding spot on the ring

if the text flows inside the ring surface hit flip on the flow command before done

If you lower the text so it sits 1/2 way through the surface it sits on it will flow 1/2 in 1/2 out of the ring

Good luck


EDITED: 9 May 2013 by SHAYNO

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