Teaching MOI in High School?

 From:  shayno
Hi Suzanne

I use Moi3d for Jewellery design as part of the manufacturing and sales process.

Currently the two companies I use to print, print with solidscape wax printing technology that prints to .025mm

The UP printer has I think best resolution of .15mm this will not print your small items with very much detail .

for example the 5mm ring will only print approx 33 layers so you will lose the sharp corners and have very jaggy curves on the lettering and the inside and outside curves.

to print small items or jewellery you need a printer with a much higher print resolution. Hi resolution resin printers can print to .01mm on the z layer which is 500 layers for your ring giving an almost smooth surface.

This all comes at a cost of course , the printer below costs approx $23,000 New Zealand dollars and from there the sky is the limit for large production printers.


Your pendant looks great but I would move the hole further in from the edge , if you intend putting a ring through it.
