parametric quotes

 From:  Michael Gibson
5770.8 In reply to 5770.6 
Hi Ayer,

> but just basic feature to edit dimensions more quickly, so just lines quoting and maybe distance quoting.

That is something that I'd like to work on in the future, but even getting it to a "basic feature" level will require an awful lot of work in several areas, including a lot of UI design which tends to take me a long time.

So I'm not sure right now when that will happen.

Also probably at first there will just be plain dimension labeling to set up printouts and stuff like that, before trying to get to the point of editable constraint dimensions.

> Yeah, but without the complication of solidworks.

Unfortunately designing things to work with less complication actually tends to require a lot more design time than making complex stuff!

It is definitely an area that I would like to work on in the future though.

- Michael