Any Sneak peek of the next beta ?

 From:  Michael Gibson
5721.47 In reply to 5721.45 
Hi Steve,

> I was thinking that they might help with organic modelling without having
> to resort to mesh tools.

I think you'd have to have some fairly limited organic modeling target goal for just that tool to really do the full job of that.

It's very unlikely that you would be able to sculpt a face for example with a limited detail tool like that.

If you do think it would help you with something, you can always test the one in ViaCAD and see if it helps you or not.

> Can someone tell me about T-Splines, seen plenty of videos and results
> and a lot of rhino users love them,
> Are they a mesh tool? Or are they some sort of advance surface type?

Sort of both of those - they're basically a polygon modeling tool but that can generate NURBS surfaces as their output instead of only generating polygon results.

- Michael