output problems

 From:  Michael Gibson
5705.2 In reply to 5705.1 
Hi cx, that kind of output will happen when the polygons being generated are very close to the "Divide larger than" setting. One surface is probably just very very slightly longer than the other one (when considering its trimmed boundaries). So for instance on one side you've got polygons that were 0.999 units long (and so did not get subdivided further), and on the other side they were 1.0001 units long and so got subdivided.

If your goal is to generate more uniformly diced output, try slightly altering your "Divide larger than" setting, for example here I adjusted your settings to use Divide larger than = 1.1 that probably generates something more like what you wanted. You may need to adjust your settings in this way if you want to alter the subdividing of the output. You could also put in 0.9 for example and that will then put in another subdivision in that area. The value that you chose of 1.0 happened to be right on the borderline of the size of some of the elements.

- Michael