Peopeller blade

 From:  AirAce (KENT777)
5700.27 In reply to 5700.14 
Hi Bemfarmer, I downloaded the airfoil file you made. I made 4 copies of it and gave them different names and I can load all of them into the CAD program. Also I notice that when I open My Docuements using the CAD File Open icon, I see your files with a light bulb symbol in front of it. But the file that I made, I called it "Sta 24" has a notepad symbol in front of it and it does not show up in "My Documents" when I open it using the CAD File Open icon.

I also notice that you used Notepad++. I assume that that version of Notepad allows you to save the file in the right format. And I assume that my version of Notepad can't save in that format

Does that make any sense to you?