New Apr-26 beta now available

 From:  Jesse
568.37 In reply to 568.33 
Hi Michael,

Yep, that was it...It was flipped over.

I have a question; The new Hide button it seems to go against the convention of the other buttons because you
have to use to the Enter key to get out of it rather than click-off with the right mouse button. Would be possible to
keep the default function as before and use a key to invoke the alternate version?


Hep, the braid segment is made with a two rail sweep and a scale rail. In preparation before doing the sweep and arraying the object around the ring circle,
I projected the base rail curves to a cylinder that was extruded from the finger circle so that the bottom surface of the object
would conform to the curvature of the circle.

EDITED: 30 Apr 2007 by JESSE