Hi DesuDeus, also are you rendering using Maxwell by any chance?
I seem to remember there is some problem where Maxwell has a setting of its own to ignore vertex normals, I have no idea it likes to do that but you're probably running into that.
See here for some information: http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=4083.14
And you may want to check out that whole thread: http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=4083.1
You would need to ask the Maxwell people why they are set to ignore normals by default, it seems like a strange thing to do.
Also I guess it ignores them unless the object is all made up of triangles too. So you need to change the checkbox setting to make it not ignore them and also export as all triangles as well.
Once you get the vertex normals coming over all those shading artifacts will completely disappear.
- Michael