Extrud shortcut

 From:  Michael Gibson
5675.8 In reply to 5675.7 
Hi mir4ea,

> Thanx Mchael, where can I see these scripts? for example I couldn't find
> this here: http://kyticka.webzdarma.cz/3d/moi/

I don't think anyone had asked for that particular one before, so that's why it was not listed anywhere.

If you can't find the particular thing that you're looking for listed there, just ask here like you did and I'll post it.

I looked it up myself by looking inside the file SidePaneContextArea.htm inside the \ui subfolder, that's the file that contains the regular UI for displaying the property name and there is an onclick="" handler that triggered the name dialog. A lot of times if you want to make a shortcut that does the same thing as a particular piece of UI you can look at the definition of the UI and then see the needed script that the UI is calling. But if you're not that familiar with looking at HTML code that might be difficult, in which case just ask and I'll dig it up for you.

- Michael