Advantages of v3 for "meshing users"?

 From:  Michael Gibson
5637.15 In reply to 5637.14 
Hi Micha,

> there a some options for the OBJ export/import at R5 now - attached two screenshots.

It looks like for import the only thing involving layers is to map group names to layers - I think what you would want instead for MoI's OBJ output would be to map material names to layers instead of that.

> So far I remember me right, OBJ doesn't support spaces in names, right?

Generally spaces are problematic since according to the OBJ spec some things use spaces to separate multiple names. So something that stuck to the spec exactly would see a group name with a space as 2 different groups being declared as active, something like that anyway.

You can control whether MoI allows spaces or not for different OBJ things by settings in the moi.ini file:

[OBJ Export]

Maybe though the easiest thing I could do would be a setting in moi.ini for OBJ export to write the style name in MoI out as a group name rather than as a material, then possibly that option in Rhino's importer for using group names as layers would do what you need.

- Michael