Want to seal the deal?

 From:  angeliclight
562.8 In reply to 562.7 
Thank you to those that have contributed to this thread so far...

However, architecture was just chosen as a tutorial's subject matter more because of the "wow" factor and the potential for learning something moderately complex. ANYthing would be a welcome addition.

I am currently examining Modo as an application, too, and from a "newbie to 3D" point of view they seem to do a wonderful job at addressing for a beginner how to get from "Point A" to "Point Wow-look-what-I-can-do" in a step-wise fashion. This has an extremely positive effect upon building program-loyalty just due to the fact that the developers take a personal interest at making sure their users are "up to speed" from WHATEVER level they start with as quickly as possible.

By the way, I certainly didn't mean to imply that the release version's documentation would certainly be lacking, and obviously those already familiar with 3D programs got bit by the MOI bug instantly. And even though I have not used any other 3D programs, I already notice how smooth the workflow and easy MOI is to "pick up". I guess my only point would be more on the "application of the application" rather than specifically how to use it.

Strange, though, because now that I look at it, I don't think a developer even IS obligated to do more than just show "how it works." For those of us, though, that do plan to incorportate a program into our daily work flow, be it business or creative, I am totally appreciative of ANY extra efforts that help to make its use more fluent.

I could relate it to knowing how to play a musical instrument, but not knowing any songs. Being a guitar player myself, and a former teacher, I know when my students learned songs and not just more technique (even though I know they'd progress faster), they tended to come back and want to do more.

And as much as it is an embarassment to admit, I could actually see myself as an expert user of this software...without being able to "create anything cool" with it! The tutorials that you all have provided so far have done much to smash that idea to bits, of which I am extremely grateful.

So please know that all of you who either have made or are making tutorials - they are coming to very good use and I am sorry that you can't be rewarded with much more than a "thank you".


- A