It's true, MoI has some great export features and that is a major factor for deciding to use it if you use other apps like Maya, XSI, Lightwave, or Modo.
Modo has some great documentation. I tried out its demo and was very impressed. Just about every tool has a short video clip demonstrating its usage and it has helped with building a strong following behind that app. However, I do not use it is because it is overpriced, crashed a lot on one of my laptops with an NVIDIA Quadro fx, has no NURBS support and no brush sculpting tools. I would rather use Blender, Silo, or Hexagon, which are much cheaper solutions for modeling and they include sculpting tools. Right now I am switching to Blender for SubD modeling because it works on Linux, but am keeping my fingers crossed that Silo will be ported eventually.
I hope will eventually be expanded in a way that will support interaction between the user community. I also sent an email to Michael volunteering to help create short feature demonstration videos for the documentation if he needs the help.