Japanese text - wrong direction

 From:  paulrus
5611.8 In reply to 5611.7 
Wow that's interesting! I had no idea the @ fonts were meant for vertical typing.

In Illustrator, the font types horizontally unless I use the vertical type tool.
By basic formatting, I guess because I use a lot of Adobe stuff, I'm used to what they offer in all their products. Font size, height, width, kerning, force all caps, spacing between characters, etc.

Things like type along curve would be really great (maybe it exists - I don't normally do a lot of text).

I managed to get my design built, but had to send it over to 3D Coat to finish it. Some of the objects were too detailed to boolean together & MOI kept freaking out. I'm sending this off to be 3D printed, so I'll merge everything together as voxels and then decimate them in 3D Coat & export an STL there.

