I agree Val!
MoI's simplicity makes designing more enjoyable!
Although I don't own big programs like Rhino, Maya and SolidWords, their demos were certainly so complex, a month or whatever it was, was never enough time to breach the steep learning curve required just to use them on any basic level. (Rhino was easier of course).
But MoI - I picked up the basics in just minutes after watching Michael's tutorials. Then it only took a couple of days to master many of the more complex tools and then in a few weeks I was making my own tutorials!
I was already using SketchUp because it was easy-peezy, so MoI fit well.
Another case in point: I use PhotoShop for much of my core design at my employment, but I find myself doing my most creative (2D) work in a program called ArtRage - made to be simple to use and easy on the eyes.
Nice chair! ...there's something neat about the bee stripes... ;-)