How make that ?

 From:  blowlamp
5590.8 In reply to 5590.5 

> It is actually, although without an n-sided blend working it produces a multi-surface blend instead.

Interesting that it's already in there, but sorry, I'm not knowledgeable enough about CAD to understand what that really means. :)

Just my general thoughts about the added complexity conundrum.

As a user, I'm finding MoI to be very well considered in its toolset and ease of use, but personally, I'd be more that willing to accept a little overhead to allow the exposure of powerful extensions to the toolset.

That MoI isn't overloaded with a multiplicity of tools is a key plus point for me.
However, a rich choice of options from within a particular tool is not something I find to be a problem, as MoI will have already guided me to the right place, leaving me with only one or two more steps to complete.

In v3, you've expanded the Extrude tool and it now has probably one of the 'busiest' dialogue areas, but everything still works like a treat and it's added another dimension to this tool's function, so in my opinion MoI is all the better for having extras such as these.

If it could eventually be implemented, I think that in situations like Frenchy's example, Setback could be a simple to use complement to the Fillet tool - and it's almost mandatory for making good dice. :)

Martin (2).