Hi Michael,
> So in both these cases for NX and SolidWorks,
> did you have to manually delete the "default fillet"
> star-structured corner and then construct the
> n-sided patch as a separate step? Is there no
> way for the initial filleting to make n-sided corner
> patches from the start?
Yep, I had to delete the star-structure the default filleter doesn't handle n-sided patch that's a seperate feature, NX call it 'n-sided surface' and SW call it a 'boundry surface'
> I think it's actually too light and maybe needs
> to have parameters fiddled with to give it more
> control points to work with in order to hug the
> boundary's normals better.
I'm not a Solidworks expert, I did use a mates seat of the software so I'm not sure how much further it can go, if you like I could have another look.
~Danny~ |