modelling a camaro

 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
5564.10 In reply to 5564.9 
You got another option to do the bonnet:

1-mirror your curves and do the network for the complete hood (not only half)
2-network in V3 gives you more surface's options(lighter-normal-uniform)
3-hit on the surface then show points
4-choose which option(point density and distribution) match your shape to do the central bulge
5-you can move the points(pull-up in Z direction)
6-also if need,you can move your points to do a conic shape for central bulge like in picture:
use-scale one direction tool-
hit central point as start point of -one direction scale-
select just side points from central one and move them (on top wiew)
do the same for each row of points
now select all points for central bulge
pull up in -Z- direction
in this operation use-direct snap-ON to force moving just in orto directions,to avoid wrong movements

here is a bonnet i recently modeled for my car,i did this way,hope you's an alternative method,maybe don't match what you need but show others " MO-AI hidden tools"


EDITED: 24 Nov 2012 by M-DYNAMICS
