Compact Menu Option.

 From:  blowlamp

It's probably with me being used to other programs and a newbie at MoI, but I quite often find myself having to scan for the tool menu tab I want, as it's moved away from where I last pictured it. I think this is as a result of the repeated expanding and contracting of the main menu options as different tools are selected for use. It feels a bit like Whac-A-Mole at times :)

So is there a way to normally keep the Menus in their 'compact', or closed state, such that they only open up if moused over and either have them overlap other tabs (to stop the menu jumping about) and stay open for further use, or possibly just collapse again when left?

Basically, is there a way to prevent the main headings moving from their shrunken location so I can go straight to them without hunting?

Martin (2).