I'm going to have to make a decision on which kind of line type to use now. ;-)
Personally, I switch between lighting modes on a whim - maybe I'll do the same with the lines.
Here is an example of what can be done with the Line Width and Line Anti-Aliasing settings.
The "0.1" may not do anything except bring MoI's line width to its minimal.
You can also make the line as thick as you want. For instance, when you use MoI's screen capture script, when the thickness is set to something like "4" and the image is exported at four times your screen size - when reduced in a photo-editing program the final UI image is extremely clean.
Believe it or not, it is possible, in theory. to anti-alias a very thin line until it looks 'virtually' smooth and photo-realistic, but you loose opacity in the bargain as the line blurs into the surroundings.
So - it's wonderful that MoI gives us many options to choose from!
Thanks Michael, I like this option. I think it will come in very handy when I have to work with surface-heavy models.