V3 beta Nov-6-2012 (Win/Mac) available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
5524.43 In reply to 5524.41 
Hi PaQ, also there are a lot of CAD engines that draw NURBS curves all jaggedy looking, there are many for example that draw edges just by drawing the polygon edges of the shaded surface display mesh instead of doing the "show the true curve" way that MoI is focused on.

If you were to try one of those you would probably be surprised at how gross that would appear to you now after being used to MoI's display though... ;)

And not just gross from an aesthetic view only, but it also removes an important visualization and analysis method of being able to see more detail on what a curve is really like when you zoom into it more.

It wouldn't necessarily be bad to have a kind of hybrid mode where at certain times like when orbiting the view it would switch to a low-quality-but-faster mode and switch back again when you're actually drawing... But again it often comes down to "where to put in the effort", and so far I've decided that it's better to put more effort into making the regular full display mode to get speed improvements as more of a priority. With the multi-core work being done now I think I may have just about ran out of things that were potential things to do for that though.

- Michael