V3 beta Nov-6-2012 (Win/Mac) available now

 From:  PaQ
Hi Michael,

There is still something I dont completely get about MoI viewport performance.
(Please forgive me, I dont want to annoy you about that topic ... it's just by curiosity).

If I understand right, it's the curve line segmentation that get the most impact in the drawing performance.

But what about the MoI mesher ? There is a really huge difference of performance when I export a model into polygones, between Shaded display and Shaded + edges.

On an average model (250.000 ngones), shade + edges is about 15fps, while shade only hit the display refresh limit : 60 fps

When I look at the same model in modo, there is no such a big gap between shaded and shaded + wire ... (for both mode I'm at 60 fps).

It's not a complain, and I dont want to compare MoI viewport engine to modo one, but I find the result very interresting.

Maybe there is something in 'modern' graphic card you don't use for compatibily purpose than can really boost lines segments drawing ?
(not sure if it makes sence for you :))