V3 beta Nov-6-2012 (Win/Mac) available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
5524.19 In reply to 5524.14 
Hi Michael T,

> Thanks Michael G. The DXF export works well!

Great! I hope that will be useful, this should totally replace needing to use that other separate 3DM to DXF converter. Also this new version does a better job, doing things like converting lines, circles, and arcs into those kinds of simple object types in the generated DXF file.

There are also a couple of additional settings available in moi.ini for controlling the DXF output, under the [DXF Export] section:

[DXF Export]

If you set UseSimpleEntities=n it will turn off exporting lines, arcs, and circles as those simple object types and instead export them all as spline object types (or polylines if you have set to export curves as polylines in the export dialog).

NumDecimalPlaces= sets the number of decimal places to use for storing numbers as text in the DXF file. The default of 12 is already quite a lot of precision, but you could bump that up to something like 16 places if you want, it will also make a larger file size as well though.

- Michael