V3 beta Nov-6-2012 (Win/Mac) available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
5524.106 In reply to 5524.104 
Hi Martin, also:

> If I can, I'd like to keep the Scene browser where it is, so as to conserve space for drawing,
> but if this turns out to be impractical I'll experiment with other the options.

Really though the "inside" scene browser mode was designed to be used in cases where you've got a high resolution monitor and there was going to be a whole lot of empty space at the bottom of the side pane.

When you have the scene browser in the "Adjacent" mode where it's a separate panel you can still conserve space for drawing by collapsing that whole panel which happens when you click on the "Browser" button that will show up in the bottom of the side pane.

If you don't have a lot of screen space the scene browser just tends to work better as a separate full panel when you do need to use it, just hide it when you're done using it to reclaim the drawing space.

- Michael